DesignerNovoheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodLINWOOD NECKLACE UNISEX - Verižica - silver-coloured330,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodEDWYN NECKLACE UNISEX - Verižica - white/silver-coloured240,00 €
DesignerNovoheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodRIMA PENDANT UNISEX - Verižica - silver-coloured/black170,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodFEODORA PENDANT UNISEX - Verižica - silver-coloured/black130,00 €
DesignerNovoheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodMAN LASZLO PENDANT UNISEX - Verižica - silver-coloured/black165,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodONE ROW BAS RELIEF CHOKER - Verižica - cream/silver-coloured220,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodONE ROW BAS RELIEF CHOKER - Verižica - gold-coloured/cream220,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodPETITE ORIGINAL ORB PENDANT - Verižica - gold-coloured/pale pink/white/milky pink/white135,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedVivienne WestwoodKITTY NECKLACE - Verižica - gold-coloured/violest transparent/creamrose195,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedLoren StewartCHANTILLEE CHAIN ANKLET - Verižica za gleženj - yellow gold-coloured320,00 €
DesignerNovoheart_outlinedBea BongiascaNECKLACE WITH VINE CURL AND MARQUISE CUT - Verižica - black690,00 €
DesignerNovoheart_outlinedTory BurchKIRA NECKLACE AND STUD EARRING GIFT SET - Uhani - silver-coloured225,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedIN GOLD WE TRUST PARIS®FULL KEY CREOL EARRING UNISEX - ena uhan - gold-coloured65,00 €Prvotno:129,95 €-50%
Designerheart_outlinedTory BurchKIRA SLIDER BRACELET - Zapestnica - gold-coloured/canary yellow125,00 €
DesignerNovoheart_outlinedBea BongiascaNECKLACE WITH SQUARE PENDANT AND CORD - Verižica - yellow gold-coloured690,00 €
Designerheart_outlinedTory BurchMILLER SLIDER BRACELET - Zapestnica - tory gold-coloured/sun dried tomato95,00 €